Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 2/15/2023 - 4:30 PM
Category: Negotiations
Type: Info
Subject: 11.1 AB 1200 Public Disclosure of Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement - TTEA
District Goals and Beliefs:
Belief 1 - Students are the focus of all decisions.
Belief 2 - A culture of accountability shall drive excellence and promote the district vision of teaching and learning.
Enclosure Board Item Staff Report
AB 1200 Public Disclosure
File Attachment:
Board Item Staff Report AB 1200 TTEA 2.15.23.pdf
TTUSD AB 1200 Disclosure TTEA 2022-23.pdf
Summary: Assembly Bill (AB) 1200 requires local education agencies to publicly disclose the major provisions, including costs, of all collective bargaining agreements before entering into a written agreement. The attachment contains the Public Disclosure of Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Tahoe Truckee Education Association (TTEA). It includes details on the major compensatory and non-compensatory proposed changes to the TTEA bargaining agreement. Estimated costs and the fiscal impact of the agreement are also included for the current and two (2) subsequent fiscal years.
Funding: General Fund
Recommendation: Information item only regarding AB 1200 Public Disclosure of Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement - TTEA
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Todd Rivera - Assistant Superintendent Chief Business Officer
Signed By:
Carmen Ghysels - Superintendent CLO