Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 3/5/2025 - 4:30 PM
Category: Board Business
Type: Info/Action
Subject: 19.1 NO ACTION TAKEN - NEED FURTHER DISCUSSION. Shared Advocacy with Local Agencies for Continued Federal Funding for our Region
District Goals and Beliefs:
Support Systems - 2.1 Implement multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) framework to promote student success and address academic, social-emotional, and behavioral / attendance needs of individual students.
Community Connections - 3.3 Expand community partnerships to support student learning and expand opportunities for community-based educational partnerships, immersion in our natural environment, internships, and outdoor education in the area.
Enclosure Board Item Staff Report
File Attachment:
Board Staff Report Advocacy for Continued Federal Funding for our Region 5Mar2025.pdf
Summary: TTUSD has the opportunity to join other local agencies in signing an advocacy letter. This letter would highlight the negative impacts of federal funding freezes on the region. By co-signing, TTUSD would support the request for continued federal funding with these local agencies.
Funding: N/A
Recommendation: Discuss and provide direction to staff regarding the opportunity to join local agencies in advocating for continued federal funding for the region.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Kerstin Kramer - Superintendent CLO
Vote Results: