Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 3/5/2025 - 4:30 PM
Category: Fiscal Services
Type: Action
Subject: 15.1 Award Bid and Ratify Contract with AT&T to Provide Data Transport Service under the ERATE Program
District Goals and Beliefs:
Belief 1 - Students are the focus of all decisions.
Belief 2 - A culture of accountability shall drive excellence and promote the district vision of teaching and learning.
Support Systems - 2.3 Continue ongoing development of employees, systems, infrastructure, and facilities while utilizing financial resources in a fiscally sustainable manner to support effective learning and equitable outcomes.
Enclosure Board Item Staff Report
AT&T Request for Proposal Submittal
TTUSD Agreement
File Attachment:
Staff Report ERATE RFP 25-100 Data Transport Service ATT 3.5.25.pdf
ATT Proposal Tahoe Truckee USD RFP 25100 470 250001399.pdf
RFP 25-100 AT&T Letter of Agreement Signed.pdf
Summary: TTUSD advertised a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Telecommunications Service for a multiyear contract for Lit Fiber Optic Ethernet Transport Services through the ERATE program. The District has selected the awardee based on multiple evaluation criteria.
Funding: Approximately $27,061.26 from General Fund
Recommendation: Award bid and ratify contract with AT&T to provide data transport service under the ERATE program.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Todd Rivera - Assistant Superintendent Chief Business Officer
Signed By:
Kerstin Kramer - Superintendent CLO
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Denyelle Nishimori Moved, Member Kirsten Livak seconded to approve the Original motion 'Award bid and ratify contract with AT&T to provide data transport service under the ERATE program.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 5 - 0
Kirsten Livak     Yes
Dianna Driller     Yes
Cristina Hennessey     Yes
Patrick Mooney     Yes
Denyelle Nishimori     Yes