Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
3/20/2024 - 4:30 PM  
13.1 Approve the Proposed Job Description for Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA)  
District Goals and Beliefs:
Belief 1 - Students are the focus of all decisions.
Belief 2 - A culture of accountability shall drive excellence and promote the district vision of teaching and learning.
Board Staff Report
Proposed Job Description
File Attachment:
Staff Report Proposed Position - Teacher on Special Assignment 20Mar2024.pdf
Teacher on Special Assignment TOSA Job Description 3Mar2024.pdf
The new job description for Teacher on Special Assignment includes in-house new teacher induction support, work location, and up to ten (10) additional, optional workdays agreed upon throughout the school year; five (5) in August prior to the start of the contracted year and five (5) after the end of the school year.  
Approve the proposed job description for Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA).  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Michael Shepherd - Executive Director of Human Resources
Signed By:  
Kerstin Kramer - Superintendent CLO
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Dianna Driller Moved, Member Kirsten Livak seconded to approve the Original motion 'Approve the proposed job description for Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA).'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 5 - 0
Kirsten Livak     Yes
Dianna Driller     Yes
Cristina Hennessey     Yes
Patrick Mooney     Yes
Denyelle Nishimori     Yes